Monday, March 4, 2013

Love Initiative March News and Shows

Howdy Beloved Community!

Spring arrives this month, officially! The changing of the season from winter to spring is perhaps my favorite time of year. All the bare trees begin to dance and shine. Green begins to decorate each neighborhood in splendor and celebration.

February has been a quick moving month. Many wonderful shows, and lots of great new friends! I was instructed into Transcendental Meditation (incidentally, on the anniversary of very same day John Lennon began his instruction with the Maharishi – The effects of this have begun instantly, and have really helped bring about more peace into my perspective.  My good friend Samuel Salsbury sat in on my recent set at the Mustard Seed, and brought us all to a higher plane of living. Here’s a small clip from that night:  Otherwise, this has been a month of planning, and filling up every minute of my calendar for much of the year.

ADD Summary:
1. This Week
2. News / Recording Updates
3. House Concerts
4. Summer Tour     

1. This Week.
Friday March 1st – Join me at Ohio Brewing Company at 451 S. High st in Akron at 7pm. Interesting space, and was a total blast last time I played there. Not much food, but they have many of their brews on tap.

Sat March 2 – Arti Gras Art Walk. I’ll be singing at the Zeber Martell Gallery at 43 Furnace St in Akron starting at 6:30pm. This is a fun event all over Akron, and the Zeber Martell studio has so many lovely items! Plus, upstairs Ms Julie’s Kitchen will have desserts!

The 8th – 11th I will be doing a mini tour through Dayton, Cincinnati, and Louisville, KY. It’s been too long since I last sang for y’all, so I am greatly excited!

2.  News / Recordings
I have been performing music for a number of yoga classes, events, and festivals all over the country. There is something special in the mix of my music and energy and the energy of the class/ yoga practice. If you have a yoga studio, and this sounds up your alley, please contact me!

This month, I was asked to be a part of the Vegan Mentor program taking form in Northeast Ohio. I am honored to be able to share my experiences, advice, and support with folks making compassionate lifestyle shifts in the area. If you or anyone you know would like some help transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, or are already there and need some support and advice, please email me. I am most happy to be here to help out!

We will be putting on An Evening for Chuck again this year. After a short break, we’ve decided to join it with Akron Peace Week. Mark your calendars for Oct 5th. We’ll have more details soon, but it’s going to be a most wonderful and celebratory evening, with all proceeds going to Stewart’s Caring Place in Akron.

Good friends of mine have started a marvelous new paper called, The Healthy and Humane Observer, whose mission is "Contributing to the betterment of the planet, and all those who share it." The Healthy and Humane Observer is an informative, educational publication for peace advocates, health advocates, environmentalists, vegans, vegetarians and those who believe in the rights of animals. It will also be a communication forum for rescue, shelter, and placement groups. Additionally, The Healthy and Humane Observer will be a venue that will allow like-minded individuals to connect in many, diverse ways. The aware, compassionate, and conscientious population in North East Ohio is expanding rapidly, and is setting precedents and examples we hope to uphold thus aiding in the betterment of the planet and all who share it. This is a free paper and has ad space as well. They will be featuring a few articles from me in their upcoming issues. Pick one up at a variety of locations.

Recordings. I am in the midst of several projects. The Bright Lights and I are still working on our follow up to Luminosity. Things are going well, and there are some good songs on here, many of which we’ve not yet played live. Another record being worked out is a duets project with many of my friends in and out of the area. We are writing songs together and will be recording them, aiming for an April/May release. The songs have been coming along superbly, and a few are becoming among the best I’ve yet written.

The vast majority of my CDs are out of print, however, that might be changing soon. I will not be printing them up, but I will be having them digitally available at all shows in the near future. You can bring a flash drive, or purchase one along with the music. This is an exciting development. Many folks have asked for older material, and soon I can deliver it!

3.  House Concerts. I really love performing in folks’ living rooms for their friends. This is still the very best way to experience a Zach show. I even offer to help make a vegan dish with the hosts, if they’d like. Each show is really unique, and a memorable experience! It’s really easy to host a house concert, and I’d love to talk with you about it. Here’s a link with more info:

4.  Summer Tour.  “The mountains are calling, and I must go.” _ John Muir. And so it is with me. This season, I will be touring to St Louis, Phoenix, San Diego, LA, all over Southern California, Sacramento, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Park City Ut, Wyoming, Chicago, and possibly Portland, and Montana. The dates are lining up quickly. I’d love to perform a house concert for you during this tour. If you are anywhere near these areas, or en route to any of these areas, please email me.

A lot going on here, and that was a little glimpse. I’m also working with the Akron Area Interfaith Council ( on events, and bringing faith’s together for Peace; a group working on bringing Mindfulness to Akron area schools, the Akron Time Bank (, and Akron Peace Week!   All while writing songs, booking shows and tours, meditating twice a day, manifesting a few new ideas, reading several books, updating Facebook, and practicing yoga!

Don’t forget to check out my blog at I post pretty regularly there now. Join the conversation!

The last thing I want to mention is this. Several of my friends have released good new music recently. Rachel Roberts has a project called Sexis Sixes – good funky, sultry music (! Winslow is about to release their new record this Friday at Musica – a good mix of rock, soul, and jazz (and featuring Bright Light, Charlie Trenta on guitar)  Colin John just released a double disc Best of, featuring both the acoustic and electric styles he has been bluesing over the years ( Hey Mavis released a wonderful folky, fun, newgrassy record last month ( Charlie Mosbrook has released a record last month as well ( There are many more, too.  Support live, local, original music, and the venues that support us. Without concert goers and music fans, not only do we cease to exist, but our society loses something very integral to the continuation of our culture, and indeed, our survival.

We can all make a difference. All of us. Sometimes a big difference, sometimes a small one. Always an important one. Start with yourself. Connect with the best we can be, and live as much as possible in kindness, compassion, and Love. It’s possible. We can create it within, and ultimately around us. Be the change you wish to see. Together we can do unbelievably amazing things!


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