This first installment is a question from Julie Norman of Body Karma Healing ( and Crystal Awakenings ( She is one of the great yogis, full of powerful Goddess energy. She has played a huge role in my life, helping me work through issues and empowering me to embrace the light and energy I have. She's an amazing yogi, and will hopefully do another Yoga Dance event again soon!
Julie asks:
What's challenges have you/ do you face along your path & what's your process for moving through them?
Challenges are inevitable, and have helped me grow so much.
Many of the challenges I face are from my own self. Things like the fear of success, making time to see the ideas I have to fruition, frustration over figuring out what ideas I can feasibly make reality, and frustration when working with others and their schedules are present more often than I'd like. Marketing myself is something I dislike and constantly struggle with. I have a hard time selling myself, as I fight with myself about how to monetize a talent I feel should be accessible to all.
Challenges come from the community as well. Finding partners to work with and create the creative visions I have for my music and the community. Finding venues to perform my big ideas are incredibly difficult. Having to constantly pitch and sell my ideas to partners, venues, and others is wearing upon my energy at times.
How do I move through these?
Meditation is always my first step. And probably the second and third step too. Once I can watch my reactions and emotions that come up when faced with challenges, I see the opportunities that are presented. Often times, things that really bother me, or block my path have led me to even more beautiful and powerful places, bringing even more focus to what Im doing. So, I am learning to trust in this.
Friends help too. Learning to ask for help when help is needed has been a tough lesson, but it's what we're here for, really, to help each other.
Beyond this, time in nature rejuvenates my soul and helps me realize my issues are small beans in the timeline of existence. Nature speaks wise advice and gives much solace when you surrender to it. In a similar vein to this, I pick up the Bhagavad Gita and read a chapter or two. I do this daily, but in times of troubles, I find it imperative to allow the Gita's wisdom to speak sincerely and deeply to me.
Julie, what about you?
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