Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Want a Future Too

The first time I heard about fracking, I was pretty appalled. Then I attended a meeting with Doug Shields as the speaker. The point of that meeting was to bring local electeds together to hear how the City of Pittsburgh banned fracking. Mr. Shields made a great presentation and highlighted many facts I had been unaware of. Yet, most of the electeds walked away confused and have not used any of that information to work to stop fracking in their wards, city, and our state.

So, I wrote this song, I Want a Future Too. I've also taken a number of actions, including the Tour de Frack, contacting local and state representatives, and working on planning committees for more fracking events.

This song will be available for a free download soon. I will let you know.

The Bright Lights and I recently recorded a moving full band version of the tune. Here is a powerful video Katy Robinson helped us put together.

I hope you share this with many folks.

Even more than that, I hope you write to our electeds and tell them we don't want fracking. At the very least, we need to return control back to the local governments and citizens. As of right now, the state has taken away our democratic rights to decide whether we want gas wells in our town, and where those gas wells go, if we did want them.

We need to change this. It's gonna take a lot of voices and marches to demand our employers (the government) work for us.

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