Time flies when you're hopped up on painkillers.
This has been a wonderful week of shows and friends. And a misreable week of aging. Let's start with the good though.
I have fallen deeply in love with Uncorked (22 N. High St, Akron). I was even before i started playing there. Something is in the air at that little wine bar. The intimate setting and unplugged show (with wonderful acoustics!) are a perfect mixture. It reminds me of something that would be happening in NYC or London. But it's right here in Akron! Several great fans and friends came out, including Rachel (http://www.myspace.com/rachelrobertsmusic) and its always nice to see musician friends at a show!
From there a small caravan of us dropped in on David Ullman's (www.davidullman.net)set at Tastey Jones. Singing and dancing of course ensued. And they cooked up some tastey fries and apples for the 2 vegans.
Friday was a fun set at Barley House. The band was ready to rock. Chris of Clear Gold Audio (www.cleargoldaudio.com) came out and ran sound for us doing a wonderful job! We got my wireless mic working so i could run around the building singing to the folks, and the lovely ladies having birthdays (and the ones just hanging out as well).
Saturday morning started fairly early and took me down to Barberton for a Peace show @ Lake Anna. It was frigid, but there was a nice turnout. I dont think I'd ever been to Lake Anna before. I made it through my set still mostly feeling my fingers. Over the Road w/ the no more you and me no more they and we just unity lines at the end was especially moving and poignant.
Then off to the House of Blues. Kickin the cancer Blues (www.kickinthecancerblues.org) is a wonderful benefit and organization raising funds for individuals with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Some great pics are at http://www.pbase.com/budwardo/ktcb09. We had a wonderful time and really had one of the best sets we've had yet! A powerful emotion was coming down and out through us. Over the Road, Some Love, and Ever After were amazing. Kristine Jackson (www.kjblues.com) came up and added some lovely harmonies to Distracted! After us, our friends the Jack Fords took the stage and finaleed with a spirited version of the Weight. Kristine's set was wonderful as well, and she invited me back up to sing People Get Ready. A very different version than mine, but powerful still! Very powerful!
Then Sunday came. And i got to have some Tofu Scramble @ Tommys, which is pretty good. I dont think anybody makes a tofu scramble as good as the one you make at home, but theirs is good. And a nice rice dream chocolate-strawberry shake doesnt hurt either! I also got to take in Where the Wild Things Are, which i enjoyed though it was different from what i expected. I did love the cinematography and puppetry/costumry. The day ended with a drive out to Boardman for a Hawaian burger at the Flaming Ice Cube (an awesome vegan shop and cafe! (http://flamingice.com) I also got a lovely OM ring that i had been looking for in the back of my mind for a bit.
Moving on to Monday. Wolf Creek was a wonderful night. Really. Standing room only. So many great people came out and familiar faces! How could it not be one of the best ways to start the week!
And about the bad side.
Apperently, i am at that age where i can pull a muscle ... sleeping.
Yes. I awoke in the middle of the night Wednesday/Thursday morning with this horrific pain. To do my weekend shows, I was on some strong painkillers. And when I'd get home, the pain would overtake those pills, and make sure i didnt really sleep. So that lasted until Sunday when i finally got some sleep, and then by miracle, I am feeling nearly all better now. Whew! I must be a violent sleeper.
Or just getting old.
Ah...see? You ARE a violent person! You just suppress it during your waking hours so it manifests itself during sleep!