Tuesday was a day I had been looking forward to on many levels for a while. Firstly for personal reasons. Secondly, I was to be playing with me friend Trevor Hall. And Thirdly, it was at the House of Blues, which is always a good time!
(All of these pics were taken by Eileen Matias)

Jen and I were there early for load in. But there was a corporate party in the Cambridge room, and thought we were told to be there at 5:00pm for load in, we couldnt actually load in until after 6:45pm. So that resulted in a lot of waiting. And watching Trevor and Chris and Mario wrap up the new order of shirts they just got in. (They said they didnt need help, and they had quite an assembly line going. It was impressive).

My Tofu Cows. Hanging out before the show.

Yes, I brought out the fabled Leisure Suit for the event.

It was an awesome crowd! Sold out by the time I hit the stage! (sorry to the fans that were turned away, but you gotta get there early, you know :-)

It was a blast with the front 15 rows being so super fun! Lots of singing along and dancing and such!

Ah yes, some of that singing along I was talking about...

Michael came out and sat in on Melodica for "Grey Clouds" and "Manifest."

Grey Clouds I did very spur of the moment, and haven't really done it much prior, but it got a great response. Which is always nice. Though I think aside from Life, Surround Me was the highlight of my set.

More fun times!

Michael having a good time.

I dont know what's happening here. The whole set was a blur for me. Between my mindset, emotions, the heat, and the crowd, i dont think i was consciously conscious.

So it probably wasnt the best night to be wearing polyester. It was very very very hot in there. The room was packed and there was that amazing collective energy that leads to the most amazing concert/musical experiences. I did think I might pass out a time or two.

But that didnt stop me from Rockin.

And it's always nice to have dozens of people cheering and such when i take off my jacket...

It was ultra fun to jam to the crowd, cuz they were all around me. This wasnt jamming to people, which happens a lot - no, it was jamming with people. People were strumming along, dancing, and rockin along with me.

Big ending. Thank you! See you next time!
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