A few quick thoughts on Iowa.
It doesn't want to let you leave. So be wary. It will keep you there way longer than you anticipate. Did anyone see the movie Cube? It's like that (except without all the death).
Anyway, here's a few shots i got from our wonderful Iowa show.
And I know the rest of the ban (esp Neil) got some great shots too, which hopefully they will post here and on facebook...
So we drove all night to get to Moline, IL by 5:30am. Where we hung by the Mississippi river for an hour or so, and then went into the hotel (before we could check in) and crashed the continental breakfast.
The day went really well. We performed for the John Deere Classic PGA golf event. It was a party for the PGA players and the families and the head folks of John Deere. It was at the John Deere test site - which meant that people got to play on the huge dozers and combines and such that John Deere makes! We didnt because sound check got pushed too far back. But it looked fun to dig in the dirt with those! Neil was very excited!
The show went really well, actually. With the finale being us playing a medley of The Way You Make Me Feel and Ever After to a cool fireworks display.
We jammed with James Montgomery, an amazing blues harpist (harmonica) who has performed with everyone from Elvis Costello, to Bonnie Raitt, to the Stones, to the Allman Brothers. What a blast!
The afterparty made it's way to the Bent River Brewery which had vegan veggie burgers!! And they were pretty good too! Michael and Charlie rocked a nice game of darts.
Michael and Neil jump back in and say that the liquer store lost its license.
Ah - Davenport.
I look forward to seeing everyone elses shots and comments...
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