The Rock Hall is always a fun place to perform, especially for the Diversity Center's Walk, Rock, and Run event! This year was even better than last. The weather was nice this time, so there was a better turnout, and the staff at the Rock Hall was much happier and friendlier than previous times I've performed there. (Thanks Sarah and Shannon -pictured above - for having us!)

Dianne Millirons from the Just Love to Sing Gospel Singers stopped by, lending her voice to the singers in the crowd!

Though it was an early morning after a late night Outpost show, the band really brought their Rock and energy. Charlie was melting faces during this Life solo and showing up many of the guitarists enshrined in the museum!

Many thanks to the fantastic cheering section! It was nice to have an enthusiastic balcony cheering, singing, and dancing along! I love when there's a stage in the round (or anything close to it)! And the looks on people's faces as the rode the elevators behind us were classic at times! Lots of dancers this year! The little boy that was the first dancer on the floor at the beginning of the set was fantastic!

Mr. Charlie Trenta. Rocking.

Michael is a great sport to host the Veggie Cow on his organ for the set. He knows the importance of eating more veggies! He is a scientist afterall...

Action shot! We've been having such fun on stages where we have some room to move and breathe. The songs and the band take on a whole new dimension, and honestly feels much stronger! We can't wait to blast the Rockin on the River stage on July 10th @ 6pm! Plus, we can't wait for the return of the horns!


Heal me, my darling.

After the set, we roamed the Rock Hall for a few moments. Excitingly, the Diversity Center was cooking up hamburgers and hot dogs, and... VEGGIE BURGERS! And they were decent ones too. Then we made our way to the Springsteen exhibit. We were given wristbands that allowed us in, etc as the band. But apperently you need a different coloured one to get into some of the exhibits, so we ended up looking slightly like we just left the hospital when it was all said and done with all the wristbands we had! Anyway, we made our way up to the Springsteen exhibit. The most interesting part i think was the audition tapes for the record label. That and the giant notebook of revisions for his songs. He constantly revised the lyrics over and over again.
When my original lyrics get into the Hall some day, it's just gonna be one sheet with a couple scratch outs.
Hope to see y'all this week!
Escalators :D